Our mission is to harness the essence of HOI; to make it a part of you.


We’re HOI

got HOI?



“I’M HOI!”



SINCE 1997

I’M HOI was invented over 20 years ago by a four year old practicing her letters on a chalk board.  The more we said it out loud the more we smiled which made us say it more…

Life happened, kids grew up, but I’M HOI remained.

It was always a dream to leave the I’M HOI legacy to the kids but also to, dare we say, the world.  Hope, truth, and joy are in short supply these days and I’M HOI inherently embodies these concepts. Our goal and hope is that we spread the word and create a movement based in joy and laughter instead of hate.

Our products feed the body, soothe the soul, and get our message out.  We hope you love the idea as much as we do.

5% of net sales will go towards organizations and projects that either socially or politically enhance lives. Civic engagement is the key to change, and we will be doing our darnedest to make that difference, directly or indirectly.

I’m HOI, are you?

  • “ Be the change you wish to see in the world. ”
    Mohandes Gandhi
I'M HOI ™ Copyright 2021 ©